
Tales Of Pirates Guide sea life

Being an Aggressive Seal Master - A Seal Master guide
I - Choosing your Path
Am I to be an Aggressive Seal Master? Your Advatages and Sacrifices
Being An Aggrssive Seal Master means that YOU are somewhat the sought after commodity in Player Kill and Boss
Hunting. You are the edge of the party which makes it effective as a deadly force. You alone is force not to be
trifled with, being able to bind an opponent from attacking and silencing his spells from doing harm to you and your
party members. Not only are You the edge of offense you too play a role in defending the fragile damage dealers,
though let's not tread on the subject to be an aggressive type we need not pay much attention in support the party
but to the hostile enemy that is posing a threat. (Voyagers and Hunters)
Lest you cannot enjoy the attention at all times. You may be wanted in some escapades but not all, leveling is
tough, you may spend a significant amount of your time walking alone only depending on your capability and
determined spirit to get you through the next level. Being A Seal Master means that YOU are prepared to do solos,
long and sometimes unentertaining times of hardships. Why is it like that you ask? Well young hopeful, this type of
Seal Master is not the support kind, most parties when leveling would rather take a cleric's aid than your spells,
dont fret! (we'll kill them later ) you are completey capable of the occasional solo.
If you are willing to take the sacrifice, carry the burden and go for the glory then this is your right path ^^
II - Starting the Journey
Herbalist's Test
Ok Let's jump to you being level 9 and starting the Herbalist quest, First off talk to the ever so friendly Newbie
Guide and select the "Herbalist Promotion" Quest. This will task you to go to High Priest Gannon located at 862,3500
Shaitan City. He will then ask you to kill two Killer Cacti, (Pretty hard test for a lvl 9 newbie huh?, go and find
a nice party that will aid you in this). After finishing the off the cacti, return to High Priest Gannon. Next
proceed to Admiral Nic at 865,3500, she's ask you to find 3 Medicated grass and after this you'll be given a
Righteous Doctrine. Return to High Priest Gannon and then WHOOSH you're a Herbalist!
Combat Practice - Solo Leveling, Hey! better get used to it now ^^
Level 10 - 17 : Angelic Pandas 1655, 2563 - Ascaron, OR Phantom Trees 884, 3028 - Magical Ocean
Level 17 - 20 : Owlies 1384, 3065 - Ascaron, OR Naive Snow Dolls 1055, 738 - Deep Blue
Level 18 - 21 : Smugglers 1624, 3017 - Ascaron
Level 20 - 26 : Rookie Boxeroo 1117, 2923 - Ascaron
Level 27 - 32 : White Owlies and/or Grassland Elk 1360, 2683 Ascaron
Level 33 - 40 : Ferocious Scorpions 2373, 551 - Deeb Blue, OR Silver Mine you can also find a party here, but
soloing is good too.
Sealing the Deal
You're now at Level 40 and now let's visit High Priest Gannon again, Select the quest "Way of the Seal" which will
task you to collect 10 Dangerous Sharp Claws - Stinging Beak 867 2708 - Ascaron, 3 Dingle Bells - Crazy Sheep 2266,
590 - Deep Blue, 3 Hearts of Purity Snow Spirits - just below Atlantis Haven. OMG your so close, Go to Priestess Ada
at 862, 3303 and she'll combine your items. Return to High Priest Gannon and BADUMP! your officially a Seal Master!
As a Herbalist learn Heal and just keep it at level 1, hey your not some support medic your deadly!, Next we learn
Spiritual Bolt, just keep it at level 5 for the time being, Why? because dear hopeful your SP bar cant take the
abusive drainage at your shy level. We must learn Vigor and up it until level 8 (you can max this if you wish), Now
Back to your Spiritual Bolt which is at level 5, Max this and then save the rest of your skill points (12 if you
didnt max vigor). Why? because this will be the only skills you'll need to get you through your Herbalist days and
fast track you into learning your Seals ASAP, you'll learn all the SM Skills at about level 43 give or take a level
or so.
Now! We use those 12 skill points and buy your books! (The whole volume of books for Seal Masters will cost you
around 150k). Now Let's make this easy so you wont get confused and accidentaly place a lost skill point.
Divine Grace Level 2 --> True Sight Level 3 --> Cursed Fire Level 4 --> Shadow Insignia Level 3
Good, now we used up those 12 skill points of yours. I advise you to learn Seal of the Elder and then Abyss Mire
(only lvl 1 abyss mire for now). Why? because that Seal will make you a real threat to voyagers and skill abusers
everywhere. After learning Abyss Mire go and Max your Seals(Note MAX your Seals First these are very important)
either will do but again I advise you to max your Seal of Elder first then Shadow Insignia. You too may learn
Intense Magic but not right now since the item mall hasnt started selling the clovers yet so practically useless.
Save a skill point for it though.
Now this is going to be kinda sorta easy. Increase your Spirit at about 75ish and then go to Con 35ish would be
nice. Then we go back to your Spirit and you either Max it or go to around 90. I advise you that after you've hit
base 90 spirit go and focus on your Con, Max it coz you may be the aggressive type but we still need to live long
enough to win it ! And we must be able to be as hard as possible since we'll be the usual target for the oppposing
team. And hey, we can still pack punches eventhough our spirit is 90.
Leveling Again! Yup it never stops
Level 40 - 42 Again we go to Ferocious Scorpions OR Rock Golems at 682, 2592 - Ascaron
Level 42 - 45 Steel - Shell Snails 2736, 650 - Deep Blue; just outside the east gate of Icespire cant miss em'
Level 45 - 50 Treants 828, 1923 - Ascaron. If you're lucky you may find a party here.
Level 50 - 55 Undead Warrior 511, 1721 - Ascaron. Near Thundoria OR Tribal Shamans 625, 1289 - Deep Blue
Level 56 - 60 Sakura Pirates - Isle of Chill; you can get teleported here via Island Teleporter
Level 60 - 67 Fox Spirit - Spring Isle ; 3409,2560 - Deep Blue ; I suggest you finish the Language Barrier Quest
before training here(Cudos to Axlan for this one ^^)
----------------------------------Created by: JaeFlish A.K.A. Embody of Rainbow
